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Location: United StatesMember since: Feb 13, 2005
Reviews (30)
Nov 21, 2010
Gets you off the couch
Heres what I like about it, you can play by yourself, with the computer or live. It also supports four-player online multiplayer....Its not bad. It gets you off the couch and moving. if you like soccer, beach volleyball, bowling, table tennis, track and field, and boxing this is the game for you. Anyone can play young or old. It also has challenges you can play with someone else. I guess the only downsize is that there are 6 games, and unless you play them all, you might get burned out fast.
Oct 07, 2010
Saw no difference here....
Although Mary Kay Timewise Night Solution seemed like a good product and smelled like it should have some effect, after using the entire bottle, I noticed no difference in skin tone, wrinkles or lines. The cost was relatively high, and I saw no noticeable improvement with its use. You put the night solution on after you wash your face, and before your moisturizer. You have to wait until the gel dries until you put on the moisturizer. The little beads in the bottle are supposed to be micro encapsulated moisturizing beads that contain an effective blend of vitamin derivitives, but it's doubtful that it has any positive effect from being placed on the surface of the skin.
Sep 24, 2010
Rocker Chick
I had never heard of this band, until our local radio station played a snip it off, "I get Off"...I had to get the cd...they have some really good songs on this cd. I hate buying a cd, when usually there is only one song that you like and stuck wiht the rest. There are atleast 5 that I really like. Elizabeth "Lzzy" Hale has a great catchy voice...and rocks the guitar like nothing I've seen.