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Location: United StatesMember since: May 09, 2006
Reviews (20)
Feb 08, 2007
Canon EOS-1 FIlm Camera
I have wanted this camera since it first came out. I have been and always will be a Canon Shooter and this camera is about as bullet proof as you can get. It has great custom features and will hold up under the most difficult circumstances. There is a wide selection of lenses and accessories, making this camera more than enough for anyone. One of the great features is that if and when you want to go digital, the lenses from this camera will work on MOST of Canon's digital SLR lineup. there are a lot of people who think that Nikon makes the best camera, personally I think they are over-priced even though they are a good camera. For my money I'll take this camera anytime and I did...several times.
Jan 07, 2009
In the Gravest Extreme by Massad F. Ayoob
This book is a must for ANYONE who owns or is thinking about purchasing a firearm for home/personal defense. Ayoob is widely recognized as an expert firearms instructor for several government agencies and many of the larger city police departmenst in the U. S. In this book, which is rather small, Ayoob explores the WHEN and WHEN NOT TO USE ONES FIREARM. There are those who will think "I don't need to read this book, I can figure that out for myself." Those are usually the ones who end up shooting themselves or someone else on accident. I highly recommend this book and the many others written by Massad Ayoob as effective training tools for police and civilians alike. Owning a handgun, especially today. is a responsibility and should not be undertaken lightly. If you are not good with responsibility or have a chip on your shoulder, this book will offend you and rightly so.
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Sep 07, 2006
Roswell: another governmental conspiracy
If you are a fan of Conspiracy Theories, you will Love this movie. I first saw it by accident some time ago when I was up later than usual in college. Like many people, I have an interest in UFO's and the stories behind them. I never really knew anything about the events at Roswell, New Mexico and this movie did a fine job illustrating them. Whenever I want to be angry at some of the things our government does, I watch 2 movies-Roswell: The U. F. O. Cover-up and JFK. It works every time. This is a great movie in spite of that.
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